Congress Justice

Darrell Issa’s Witch Hunt Continues, Expands


House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa hasn’t been able to incriminate anyone at the Internal Revenue Service so now he’s targeting the Department of Justice for a very dubious reason.

Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and 16 other GOP lawmakers said that the Justice Department had shown interest in prosecuting tax-exempt groups that were dishonest about their political activity, in what they called just the latest sign that Democrats pressured administration officials into unfairly scrutinizing Tea Party groups.

The Department of Justice was interested in prosecuting frauds and liars? Ya don’t say? I guess we have a real scandal on our hands here.

We already know progressive groups and even the non-existent ACORN drew more red flags from the IRS than Tea Party groups.

Is Issa alleging the Holder Justice Department was interested in prosecuting ACORN? Surely not. That wouldn’t even qualify for a Drudge siren.

(ht Injury Attorneys Price Benowitz LLP)