Republican Party

Denounce And Reject

The following Republicans have praised Ron Paul, despite his (truthful) remarks about how American foreign policy helped to provoke the 9/11 attacks:

"I think it’s all up for grabs, and I don’t think that anyone’s emerging. I think these people who are racing to declare anyone the true frontrunner at this point — I just don’t see it. Although I am partial to Ron Paul…” --Laura Ingraham

"That's music to my ears, Laura." --Tucker Carlson responding to Ingraham's praise

"I like him personally, I know him personally… I will say that he is also the one candidate that everybody knows who fought against big government. He voted against unsure Medicare, the prescription drugs, and No Child Left Behind. He’s consistent, he’s courageous." --Pat Buchanan

“Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country.” --Ronald Reagan

"[Ron Paul] is the only candidate out there that’s talking like a lot of us talked in 94. And that’s what a lot of Americans want but no one will say anything anymore…I bet he’s gonna shock a lot of people in New Hampshire.” --Joe Scarborough

“He’s a very engaging person… I’d like to see him as president.”

“I think I’m fondest of Ron Paul… He’s the only person I agree with on foreign policy.”

“Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) continues to amaze on many levels, and he had finally started to register on the polls. In last Tuesday’s Midwestern ice storm, almost every Iowa event was cancelled. The exception was a Paul rally, which drew hundreds. His crowds are regularly huge and enthusiastic. He chalked up another record fundraising day on Sunday’s anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, with more than $6 million in online donations in a single day.” --Bob Novak

“The most honest man in Congress.” --Senator John McCain