
Dick Doesn't Apologize

Wow. Just wow.

[D]id Cheney ever say in private what he didn't say in public? Did he ever apologize?

Whittington, who has been talking about his life and career for hours, suddenly draws silent.

"I'm not going to go into that," he says sharply after a short pause.

Harry Whittington is too gracious to say it out loud, but he doesn't dispute the notion, either.

Nearly five years on, he's still waiting for Dick Cheney to say he's sorry.

Steve Benen notes:

Nearly five years later, the 82-year-old Texan still feels the effects of the incident. The pellet that pierced his larynx affects his speech, a piece remains lodged near his heart, and birdshot pellets are still embedded in his eye socket, hairline, and hand. Indeed, even at the time, the shooting caused an erratic heartbeat and a collapsed lung.

And no apology.