
Dobbs and the Birthers

Former CNN producer Chez Pazienza:

What's worth elaborating on when it comes to Lou Dobbs's alliance with the birther movement, though, is this: There's just no way Dobbs really believes the horseshit he's spouting in this case. He may be a demagogic buffoon; he may even enjoy playing the fascist paranoiac afraid of Mexicans infiltrating his precious bodily fluids; but he's by no means a blithering idiot.

As I've said about Hannity and other fakers, pretending to go along with this insanity is worse than actually believing it because it spreads the nonsense with a purely cynical and self-serving motive.

Put another way: A mental patient can't really help himself. An otherwise sane man ought to know better and therefore has no excuse for infecting the world with shit.