
Doctor Jim DeMint Recommends the Most Expensive Form of Healthcare

If we’re going to spend taxpayer money to provide healthcare, we ought to do so in the most expensive, wasteful manner possible according to former senator and Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint.

Heritage president and former South Carolina senator Jim DeMint continued his campaign to convince Republicans to shut down the government in a ploy to defund the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday, telling a town hall in Tampa, Florida that “This might be that last off-ramp to stop Obamacare before it becomes more enmeshed in our culture.” The law “is not about getting better health care,” he continued. Uninsured Americans “will get better health care just going to the emergency room.”

There was a time when the Heritage Foundation fully embraced the fundamental principles of Obamacare, but now the president of the sham think-tank is recommending that you seek treatment that will be far and away more expensive than the alternatives.

DeMint may be able to afford a hundred dollar Aspirin with his million-dollar salary, but the rest of the country will go broke.

Conservatism is a mental illness.