
Doof Quote of the Day

Sorry. I've never done this before, but I have to call an audible here and let Mr. Boren off the hook. There's a new and much doofier Doof Quote of the Day:

"Apparently the ham contract didn’t pay for two pounds of ham, but 760,000 pounds of it. Where “two pounds” comes from is anybody’s guess..." —Hot Air blogger Patrick Ishmael correcting his story about the recovery act's purchase of food for poor and homeless people

Anybody's guess???? Clearly "two pounds" means that each individual ham weighed, you know, two goddamn pounds! The limitless stupidity of the wingnut right never ceases to amaze. Such phenomenal doofery.

"We want bipartisan consensus. I think that's what most people want. We can't just have one or two Republicans. We've got to have a broad swath of the Congress." —Blue Dog Rep. Dan Boren (D-Coward)

Sorry, Dan. Not a single Republican will vote for healthcare reform. Not one. And you're a cowardly doof for thinking they will.