Morning Joe


I had a dream last night that Morning Joe was cancelled. It was a good dream.

Now I'm listening to Mika, Matthews and Scarborough talking about Senator Obama and his chances in Pennsylvania as if the senator was 20 points behind in the polls today -- rather than nearly 10 points up, which he really is. Nothing about "what McCain has to do" to catch up. Nothing about "what McCain is doing wrong." Nothing about "what mistakes McCain has made."

Research 2000's daily tracking poll is Obama 51, McCain 42. And Senator Obama isn't connecting? In post-debate polling in the category "understands my needs and problems," Senator Obama scored a 79 percent, against McCain's 41 percent! In Pennsylvania, Rasmussen has Senator Obama up by four points, SUSA has Senator Obama up by six, CNN has Senator Obama up by nine. Nine points!

But Matthews and Mika have anecdotes about John Wayne and pig roasts. Very serious! I'm not making that up, by the way. Those were their indicators on Pennsylvania. Now granted, as a disgruntled PA resident, I understand that there are a wide variety of racist, ignorant white people here. I've seen more than one KKK rally in nearby Boyertown, for example. BUT... Senator Obama is ahead according to almost every poll in PA, as well as nationally.

So, enough! Senator McCain is spasmodic, dangerous, undisciplined mess. And the American people are rapidly learning that. Yet Senator Obama, who is winning, is somehow losing?