It's day two of our quarterly fundraising effort to keep this blog running smoothly and fully stocked with bandwidth and other techie gadgets I'll never fully understand. Thanks so much to all of you for contributing to the blog so far. Seriously, it means more to me than I'm able to express.
As always, if you have a couple of samoleons to spare, feel free to shove them into the jolly candy-like PayPal button below. It's secure and it's easy on the eyes.
I'm still giving away DVD copies of my micro-budget indie mockumentary from 2002, The War Effort, for the first two dozen (or so) contributors this week. (Again, you can preview the first ten minutes here.) So contribute early to secure your free DVD -- chock full of low budget film-making goodness.
OH! Almost forgot. Here's a Prime Time Thread for your blogotubing excellence. Go!