Democratic Party

Fear Mongering Gambit

So let's say Senator Clinton wins both Texas and Ohio tomorrow. And let's say she pulls off a miracle and gets the necessary yet impossible 70 percent of the vote in both states she'll need to advance in the delegate tally. She will have done so based on a week's worth of fear mongering. I know many in the blogosphere who would simply be unable to support or praise such a victory.

But let's also say that Senator Clinton doesn't get anywhere near the delegates she needs to stay in this race and Senator Obama advances to the nomination. Senator McCain and the GOP would be able to basically replicate her entire kitchen sink strategy and use it against Senator Obama for the balance of the year. "Senator Clinton not only implied Obama isn't a Christian, but she also implied he's unqualified to be commander-in-chief."

Their dignity is gone. Their nobility is gone. And they're carpet bombing the party in the process.

Good job, Senator Clinton and Mark Penn.