
Five States to GOTV

Posted by JumpyPants

Nate Silver knows polls. And he says five states matter right now:

Those states are Virginia, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Nevada. Essentially all relevant electoral scenarios involve some combination of these five states.

You can get into the reasons over at FiveThirtyEight if you like, but the headline is: we have to Get Out The Vote in those five states above all others.

SO...if you live (or lived) in one of those states, you have a leg up, because you can call voters and report as a fellow Coloradan, or Ohioan, or whatever. Being native makes a difference. If you have family in one of those states, that's almost as good. If you are in a neighboring state, that's still pretty good. But even if you have absolutely no history with any of those states, please please please go to the Obama website and start making calls to GET OUT THE VOTE!