Florida School Board Votes for Transgender Bathroom Ban

The Marion County School Board in Ocala, Florida has voted by a margin of 4 to 1 to implement a ban on transgender bathroom use with no exceptions.

Words apparently have no meaning in Ocala where one member of the school board said the ban is necessary for reasons.

Besides Stacy, the other board members who supported the ban were Carol Ely, Kelly King and Angie Boynton. Board Chairman Bobby James said he did not want to create an official resolution, especially since only a few weeks are left in the school year.

Ely said that transgender students should not have the “choice of the day” in terms of which restroom they will use. “I thought about it and that's reverse discrimination,” she said.

She "thought about it" and that's what she came up with.

It's "reverse discrimination" against who exactly? Against cisgender students?

Members of the board reportedly said they "did a lot of research" before voting in favor of the ban. That's hard to believe given that there isn't a single documented case of a transgender student assaulting someone in the bathroom anywhere in the entire country. You'd think their "research" would have turned that up unless their study material consisted exclusively of right wing claptrap and propaganda.

Their "research" evidently also did not also clue them in to the fact that these bans are unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment at least as far as the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in D.C. is concerned.