Senator Barack Obama

Good News Bad News

The bad news first this time. I know that Drudge and Dick Morris have been trying to push a "tightening race" narrative, and now it appears to be happening -- at least for now, and only in the national daily trackers. Nate Silver:

John McCain has once again improved his position in the national tracking polls, having gained ground in 4 of the 5 6 trackers that published today (Rasmussen and IBD/TIPP were the exceptions). Our model now perceives that Obama has come somewhat off his peak numbers, which were realized perhaps 5-7 days ago.

The good news is:

...the polls in battleground states have not really tightened at all. Obama gets good numbers today, for instance, in North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Florida.

Irrespective of the which numbers are showing what, I think the message is clear. Senator Obama is still Senator Obama. And there's still a good chance that he will remain Senator Obama on November 4.

Aside from continuing to fight the McCain zombies who appear to be getting more bitey by the minute, the message to your friends and family is that the McCain zombies could still win this thing. We can't take anything for granted. We can't relax yet. As Senator Obama said the other day, "Don't underestimate the capacity of Democrats to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Don't underestimate our ability to screw it up."