As you know, President Obama is a godless, secret Muslim heathen who wouldn't know real Christianity if it hit him on the head. Or at least that's what the GOP has been telling us for eight years.
Given that President Obama is a heathen, GOP Representative Dave Brat (R-VA) would appreciate it if he would stop trying to appeal to the GOP's Jesus-y ways.
The president, Brat said, “is using the Christian tradition and trying to bring about compassion by bonking Republicans over the head with the Bible. It’s almost a comedy routine on what compassion and love is. He’s mocking his enemies in order to compel a larger federal state using the tradition of love.”
But.. you.. what?
He said that the conservative movement “needs to reeducate its people that we own the entire tradition” of Christian love, because liberal professors “have rejected natural law” and religious ideas.
The myth of the Compassionate Conservative is dead and buried and has finally been replaced by "fuck your compassion" just as Free Market Jesus intended.
To be clear, Congressman Brat is criticizing the president for urging Republicans to be more sensitive to the plight of the needy during the State of the Union address. More specifically, the president urged members of Congress to feed the hungry and treat the sick which is, apparently, an affront to the real Americans Christians of the Republican Party.
As for "bonking" people over the head with the Bible, I would point out that anti-gay marriage clerk Kim Davis was present for the State of the Union address.
There are times when I feel like I know Jesus better than the GOP and yet if I stepped into a church today I would probably spontaneously combust.