Abortion Outreach War On Women

GOP State Senator Compares Women’s Health Clinics to Pedophiles

In their quest to place as many nonsensical restrictions on clinics that provide abortion as possible, Republicans in Alabama have moved beyond unnecessary licensing requirements to challenging the physical location of clinics.

State Senator Paul Sanford (R) has introduced a bill that would prohibit clinics from operating in close proximity to schools.

If that sounds a little too familiar to restrictions placed on sex offenders, that's exactly what he has in mind.

Said Sanford: “We can put a restriction on whether a liquor store opens up across the street and make sure pedophiles stay away from schools, I just think having an abortion clinic that close to elementary-age school children that actually have to walk on the sidewalk past it is not the best thing.”


Ironically, the clinic at the center of the debate in Alabama was moved closer to a school because a previous anti-abortion law passed by the state legislature forced the clinic to move there.

They are legislating abortion out of existence without outright banning it and lying through their teeth along the way. State Senator Sanford claims reducing the number of clinics in the state is not his goal, but that is what his legislation will accomplish.

Republicans love Red Tape and regulation as long as it's directed at women.

(h/t: Reality Check)