New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and probable candidate for President in 2016, was asked about what he would do as the government shutdown continues, and he told the Philadelphia Inquirer this past Friday, “If I was in the Senate right now, I’d kill myself.”
Totally, right? Like, gag me with a gavel!
Gov. Christie knows who is responsible for all this:
“The president saw this train coming for a long time. All of a sudden today’s the first day he has anyone over to the White House? Same thing with the Speaker, same thing with the majority. They saw this train coming for a long time and did nothing to stop it.”
The president saw this train coming? Why didn’t he lie down on the tracks?
Republicans saw this coming because they are the ones driving the train. The party has taken the position of “stand firm” and the base complains that they have already compromised enough. Conductor Boehner’s been sounding the Tea Party’s horn for miles, and there’s no way that guy is an irresponsible drunk behind the switch.
This is like blaming the 9/11 on the Twin Towers. Gov. Christie is a man-child.