Senator Barack Obama

He Shouldn't Pick A Senator

A lot of folks are talking about Senator Obama choosing Senators Webb or McCaskill for the VP slot. Matthews, last night, predicted that it'd be Mark Warner... who's presently running for Senate and winning.

I repeat: this is a terrible idea.

1) We need every person with a (D) behind their name to remain in the Senate, especially if Senator Obama wins. We also need Democrats who are leading in their Senate races to win. The vote margin is razor thin right now and we're already (hopefully) losing Senator Obama to the White House.

2) Senator Webb won his seat by the thinnest of margins against George Allen. The last thing we need is for that seat to be open again. Who knows -- maybe Allen would try to reclaim it. McCaskill won by similar thin margins. Both are from swing states -- states which are now beginning to turn blue.

It has to be either a former elected official like John Edwards, or a governor like Sebelius.

UPDATE: I don't think Bob Graham is a good idea either. He's too old-school. And I think the conventional wisdom for winning a tough state is to pick someone with a machine, which means a governor. Senator Clinton kicked ass in Pennsylvania partly because of Rendell's machine. And if Graham isn't guaranteed to deliver Florida, what other advantages does he bring to the table?