Sarah Palin

Heads Will Rear

Posted by JumpyPants

More amazing transcript goodies from last night! I can't get enough of the endless drivel-stream that spewed forth from the twisted mouth of the Not-The-Most-Popular-Governor-Anymore:

We need to look back, even two years ago, and we need to be appreciative of John McCain's call for reform with Fannie Mae, with Freddie Mac, with the mortgage-lenders, too, who were starting to really kind of rear that head of abuse.

And the colleagues in the Senate weren't going to go there with him. So we have John McCain to thank for at least warning people. And we also have John McCain to thank for bringing in a bipartisan effort people to the table so that we can start putting politics aside, even putting a campaign aside, and just do what's right to fix this economic problem that we are in.

It is a crisis. It's a toxic mess, really, on Main Street that's affecting Wall Street. And now we have to be ever vigilant and also making sure that credit markets don't seize up. That's where the Main Streeters like me, that's where we would really feel the effects.

Okay, first, what is her obsession with heads and rears? First it was Putin's head, now it's the head of abuse. Does anyone even know what abuse's head looks like? Maybe we can find someone who has been abused and charge them $1,500 to pay for a medical exam to find out.

Now, to other less hilarious matters:
1. John McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis works as a lobbyist for Freddie Mac.
2. John McCain said Senator Obama's warnings about an impending sub-prime crisis were wrong. John McCain didn't warn anyone.
3. John McCain didn't suspend his campaign.
4. John McCain didn't fix anything last week.
5. It's a toxic mess? The toxic mess starts on Main Street and it's MAIN STREET that affects Wall Street??? WHA-HUH?!?!
6. A woman who gets the tax-payers to pay for a private SUV instead of rape kits, and who has a tanning bed installed in her mansion is no where near a Main Streeter.
7. Generalities aren't convincing anyone anymore. What worked for Bush isn't working anymore. You're 4 - 8 years too late, Moose Killer.