
Hillary, Mitt and Rudy

So there's the Mitt-like parallel of funding your own campaign. And now comes this news via The Page regarding Hillary's senior staff working for free:

Source says they have “voluntarily chosen to work without pay this month” as part of Clinton cash crush against Obama moola factory.

As smintheus points out:

As we saw with Giuliani, when presidential candidates decide to get in touch with the working poor by surrounding themselves with unpaid staff, that can be a sign of a campaign's impending collapse.

The writing is on the wall, Gallup's latest poll notwithstanding. And how ironic is it that the same day Hillary fesses up, when pressed, that she gave $5 mil of her own dough to keep running, that Obama announces he raised nearly the same $5 mil from supporters in one post-Super Tuesday Wednesday? Answer: more ironic than anything in an Alanis Morissette song.