
Homer Simpson is Destroying American Families

Or so says Glenn Beck. Yes, really.

Listen carefully to this. Glenn Beck says men are the "shlubs" now and that the roles are "reversed." In other words, women should be the shlubs and men should be the "smart" ones. Yes, Glenn wishes that we could go back to a time when women were chattel -- routinely beaten or psychologically abused by drunken alpha-male husbands without any recourse or acceptable escape.

By the way, Beck is a very wealthy man. One of the most successful con artists of our time. So it's no surprise to learn that he's totally clueless when it comes to modern finances and family economies. For a while there, a two-income families were a matter of equality -- now, they're a matter of financial necessity.

There are so many other things wrong with this clip. It's exhausting. Like always.

And a bonus Beck clip in which he defends himself against accusations that he's a faker. Poorly.