House Republicans aren't quite sure how they want to lose on Iran so they've scheduled three votes to make sure all of their bases are covered.
The Flying Monkey Caucus -- to borrow nomenclature from Charles Pierce -- will vote for approval of the Iran peace agreement, for a resolution declaring the agreement invalid, and to punish Iran for agreeing to give up it's nuclear weapons program.
One would be a resolution to approve the deal [...] The second would be to express a sense of the House that the Obama administration has not met the requirements of the Iran review legislation by failing to give lawmakers the text of separate agreements between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). [...]
Finally, the House would vote to prevent the U.S. from lifting sanctions on Iran as part of complying with the nuclear deal.
The House of Representatives can express their sense and I'll express mine that this will probably end up in court and they will lose.
This should be a lesson for members of the political press who've gone to great lengths to take the anti-Iran deal side seriously. Even more so for members of the political and pundit class who've sided with the critics and conducted a whisper campaign against the Obama administration. They're on the same side of Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz who've said the Obama administration is 'marching Jews to the oven' and 'the leading financier of terrorism.'
They're on the same side of Louie Gohmert who said he's preparing to resign from office and, I don't know, go live in the mountains or something. The nuclear holocaust is coming, he says.
As Media Matters points, cable news networks and broadcast media have booked more guests who are against the deal than for it.

Critics of the deal aren't serious people and neither are members of the political media who've taken them seriously.