
House Says No to Gitmo

Posted by JM Ashby

Despite the fact that President Obama signed the order to close Guantanamo Bay on the very first day of taking office in 2009, it still hasn't been closed. The fact that Gitmo is still open for business is a common line of attack for those on the very-far left, but they need look no further than Congress for an answer to why it is still open.

Congress previously and overwhelmingly voted no to providing funding for the closure Guantanamo Bay, and now they have done it again by voting no on removing key obstacles to closure.

In a setback for President Barack Obama, Democrats still controlling the House have approved legislation to prevent Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other detainees at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay from being transferred to the U.S. for trials in criminal courts.

The Guantanamo ban was included in a huge catchall spending bill that passed the House Wednesday by a 212-206 vote. The Senate has yet to act on the legislation, which would further imperil Obama's effort to close the detention center for terrorist suspects.

The House approved a bill that bans bringing suspects from Gitmo into the States to prosecute them. If the Senate also approves the bill, then it would require another act of Congress in the future to reverse the decision.

The overwhelming majority of suspects charged with acts of terrorism are found guilty and prosecuting such cases has not been a problem, at all, inside the States. Regardless of that, Congress continues to bow to media hype and fearmongering by Republicans over bringing the boogeymen terrorists home to prosecute them.

Does anyone think a Republican controlled House will vote for closing it if Democrats wont? No, you can look forward to atleast another two years, or longer, of Gitmo being open.