Super Stupid

How is Jeff Sessions’ War on Legal Weed Going?

Written by SK Ashby

Not so well.

Opponents of legal marijuana sales say states should not be able to legalize it because they cannot control the flow to other states that don't and, to that end, Attorney General Jeff Sessions wrote a letter to Oregon Governor Kate Brown citing a state police report that said weed grown in Oregon was flowing into a black market.

That sounds bad, but the good news for proponents of legal weed is that it's total bullshit.

“The Oregon State Police determined that the draft report required significant additional work and revision, because the data was inaccurate and the heavily extrapolated conclusions were incorrect,” Brown wrote in a reply to Sessions on Tuesday. “I would draw your attention to the sources relied upon in the document, which include an assortment of random blog and newspaper articles that should hardly form the basis of an informed policy discussion.


Not coincidentally, if this issue ever ends up in a federal court room I expect "random blog and newspaper articles" will be exactly the kind of evidence the Jeff Sessions Justice Department will present. Sessions is a man who still believes in "reefer madness." His views and conclusions are as antiquated as the Confederate monuments he closely resembles.