
How to Stop Trump From Killing Us

Written by SK Ashby

As you might have heard, actress Meryl Streep spoke out against despot-elect Donald Trump at last night's Golden Globe awards, sending conservatives reeling for a fainting couch.

Streep never actually invoked Trump's name, but the soon to be Snowflake in Chief responded on Twitter early this morning.

The way I see it, if we can just get celebrities to hit Trump every single day for the next four years, he will be too busy responding on Twitter to kill us all. Trump's unparalleled narcissism demands that he respond to every single perceived slight. Our nation's artists, celebrities and actors should endeavor to insult Trump as often as possible to occupy a permanent space in his head.

We've come a long way from the days when the Dixie Chicks were effectively black listed from America's media landscape for speaking out against former President Bush. That's not going to happen this time. Trump is already deeply unpopular before even being sworn into office and many of the figures who will criticize him are far more respected than he is.

To be clear, the "16 year old story" Trump is referring to is his bogus claim that Muslims celebrated in the streets of New Jersey when the twin towers fell on September 11th, 2001. That never actually happened, and the disabled New York Times reporter he mocked, Serge Kovaleski, never changed the original story cited by Trump.

Kovaleski never "groveled."

It's not as if Trump has given us any reason to buy his explanation. Trump's businesses have a decades-long history of being forced by courts to make his properties accessible for Americans with disabilities.