
I Can't Believe This is Still a Thing

It's really quite remarkable that wingnuts are still milking the Birther Muslim thing. Seriously, it's been since 2007 and it continues on and on and on. It speaks volumes about the Republican race-baiting Southern Strategy operating in full force.

And Mike Huckabee is bound and determined to spread the nonsense despite insisting that he "misspoke." Today:

And I have said many times, publicly, that I do think he has a different worldview and I think it is, in part, molded out of a very different experience. Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings and, you know, our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs, not madrassas. And I just do think that there is - again, I am not saying he's not a citizen, I've never said that, I've said the opposite. I've never said he's a Muslim.

All he needs to do is to insert those dog whistles into the mix and he's done his job for the glorious Birther Cause. Muslim, citizen, madrassa. That's all. Mission accomplished, you shit-kicking yickadoo. By the way, Huck, let's see proof you were born here. I want evidence that you're not a Muslim. Prove it.

Adding... Here's O'Donnell on Huckabee. Note the random shot at Bill Clinton at the end.

Clarification... In hindsight, the headline above is admittedly awful. Why? Because I can believe this is still a thing. The Republicans thrive on stoking the racism of their ignoramus wingnut base. So they whistle and whistle. The continuation of the Birther/Muslim mythology shouldn't be a shock to anyone other than people who believe in an inclusive "big tent" Republican Party. It's, in fact, a small tent Christian white man party. Everyone else beware.