

I'm not sure how Comedy Central positions its advertising, but there's something really upsetting about watching Mike Judge's Idiocracy interspersed with promos for Ron White's new standup special and commercials for something called "Giant Cheetos."

I'm not making that up. Giant Cheetos. And to further amplify the Idiocracy vibe, here's an actual quote from a USA Today article about this gigantic ball of chemical poison:

“People are looking for anything to break the negativity,” says Ann Mukherjee, marketing guru at Frito-Lay, which, at one point even considered — but junked the idea of — Cheetos the size of tennis balls.

Frito-Lay hired cultural anthropologists who watched stressed workers fiddle with stuff on their desks — including stress balls. So why not Giant Cheetos, instead? “It’s a ball you can eat,” Mukherjee says.

Ann Mukherjee is a "marketing guru." Guru status. Do you think she realizes how dangerously close "it's a ball you can eat" is to "Brawndo's got electrolytes?"

Adding... Coincidentally, Chez posted this.