
Immigration Jackboots Say They’re Just Doing Their Job

Written by SK Ashby

What does the Border Patrol have to say for itself for stalking and abducting a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy from the hospital?

They're just doing their jobs, they say, and that's bullshit.

Dan Hetlage, a spokesman for Customs and Border Protection, says throughout the two-day incident, agents were just enforcing federal immigration law.

"The agent is wrong if he lets her go. We don't have the discretion. It's not a traffic ticket. We follow the letter of the law," he said.

"It's frustrating for us," he continued, "I'm a human being. The agents are trying to do their job as humanely as possible."

They actually do have discretion and this isn't the letter of the law and certainly not the spirit of the law. The law doesn't mandate that armed agents board ambulances and patrol hospital rooms with guns at their sides.

Immigration authorities are not suppose stalk sensitive locations like hospitals, schools, and churches unless there's an urgent threat to national security, but they are. There's no one in charge. There's no rules. No respect. No dignity. Immigration agents are acting on their own initiative now and arresting virtually anyone they want to for any reason. They're having "fun."

Humans are capable of doing unspeakable things so I'm not impressed by Hetlage's plea to see agents as victims. They can always quit.