
In Defense Of Dennis Miller

by Lee Stranahan

Obviously, I don't like or agree with Miller's politics. I have a real cognitive dissonance with his highbrow cultural reference humor being wedded to anti-intellectual Republican talking points. It's not that it's not funny exactly; it's just plain weird.

But I'll continue to dislike the herd mentality that attacks someone as 'opportunistic' or dismisses everything they've ever done because you don't like their politics. That's what dumb Republicans that I hate do all the time. I have no reason to assume Miller isn't sincere in his misguided world view. I liked his stand-up and old HBO show quite a bit.

If John Stewart or Bruce Springsteen suddenly took a swing to the right, I'd still like the work of theirs that I like now. Yes, it would be strange listening to it and the Dennis Miller of today makes me sad but it's pretty pre-Obama to dismiss everything about our intellectual foes especially when we're WINNING.