Bob Cesca Show Indie Music Countdown

Indie Music Countdown (May 2020 Edition) 5/31/20

Written by Bob Cesca

It's all the indie music we featured on the show from May 2020, each song aired in the same order in which it first appeared. By the way, the Indie Music Countdown now has its own channel on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify and everywhere you get your podcasts, so please take a second to honor our indie recording artist with a five-star rating and review on your favorite platform. If you like what you hear, please support this show and all of our excellent indie bands. Submit your music here.

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Support the musicians featured on the countdown:
17) Alexia Chambi – “Second Date” (timecode :53)
16) Tim Kniest -- "Life Of Crime" (timecode 3:54)
15) Pure Flow – “Summer” from The Purest (timecode 8:33)
14) The Husht – “From Where I Stand” from To The Crows (timecode 11:28)
13) Jones – “Minivan” from Garage EP (timecode 14:04)
12) Self Animation – “Mother’s Love” (timecode 17:56)
11) Mia Montenegro - "I Wanna Go South" from Somewhere In Between (timecode 21:19)
10) Zero-X - "Feel Good Inc" (Gorillaz Cover) (timecode 25:35)
9) Paul Melancon - "St. Cecilia" from The Get Gos Action Hour! (timecode 29:01)
8) Keenen Blockson - "If You Only Knew" (timecode 33:21)
7) Freekbass – “Love In Your Pocket” from All The Way This, All The Way That (timecode 37:40)
6) Luna Blu – “She” (timecode 42:08)
5) Lynda Kay Parker and Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister“The Mask” (timecode 47:04)
4) Zanny“Spent” (timecode 49:55)
3) Callie Cardamon – “Summertime” from Jump For Joy (timecode 53:47)
2) The Farleys – “Two Of Us” (Beatles) from Cover Two Cover (timecode 57:27)
1) Well-Known Strangers – “Breaking Bread” from Aligned (timecode 1:00.09)