As you've noticed over the last several weeks, along with Chez and a growing roster of contributors, I've been writing daily column-length posts for The Daily Banter.
Ben Cohen has been running that site for several years now and is currently expanding its staff, content and readership. Part of that process will be an increased connection between this blog and that one.
So any minute now you'll see more of The Daily Banter's branding appearing here, connecting this site to The Daily Banter in an almost seamless way.
First, don't panic. I assure you, nothing will change here except for some extra graphics at the top of the pages. The domain will be exactly the same, the comment system is exactly the same and posts from me and Ashby (along with occasional items from Steven Weber) will be exactly the same. And I still own the blog.
But by joining forces with The Daily Banter and its affiliated blogs, we will expand our readership and our content. There's nothing wrong with that.
This is going to help all of us, including you, to kick serious assneck going into the 2012 general election.