Sarah Palin

Is Palin (Not So) Secretly Pro-Choice?

I've been avoiding Palin pregnancy posts, but this falls into the hypocrite category with regards to choice.

Palin is "pro-life" without exceptions. A champion of the evangelical far-right.

Sooooo... why did she have an amniocentisis?

Somebody should ask Limbaugh and Hannity about that one. After all, Palin is unable to speak for herself without looking like a dumb stupid.

UPDATE: QueenTiye from the comments makes a strong counterpoint:

Why have amniocentesis? Because if it is increasingly likely that you will have a disabled baby, knowing about that in the first place gives the parents and the baby a better chance at adjusting well, than finding out at the birth of the baby.

As I wrote in the comments myself, this plays to a larger question of hypocrisy, privacy and secrecy. What is Palin's view on abortion? Well, we can't ask her about her contradictions, so all we're left with are assumptions. Some of them fair, some of them off the wall. We just don't know. But if she's a heartbeat away from the presidency with the potential authority to appoint Supreme Court justices who would permit laws that invade my daughter's body, we deserve some answers.