Democratic Party

It’s over, Georgie. Now step up Dems!

Adam McKay not only makes painfully hilarious movies like Anchorman, he also writes insightful blog posts at HuffPost. Here's part of his latest, and I'd say he gets it on the nose:

Our country is legitimately teetering because of this criminal spoiled fool. We must get him out. And because it seems our Nation is drawn to these Republicans like a moth to a blowtorch we must focus on finding a Republican candidate who is not a retarded corporate shill who thinks science is a theory. I guess it's McCain. Obama is the only Democrat out there with an honest to God soul. He and Barbara Boxer should run a no double speak and straight forward campaign. Forget courting the undecided voter. It has destroyed the party. Let's drop the hammer and see what happens.

So as a pile of ignored rotting reports sits in the White House dumpster we have to break out the electron microscope and start looking for the silver lining. The only ones I can find are the fact that W Bush is completely exposed. It's done. Everyone knows. And those that pretend they don't know probably don't know anything to begin with. My friends and I are guessing what the approval rating will be like we're predicting the line on a Suns Mavericks game. I'm going with 31% and my buddy says 28%. Either way it's over.

It's over. Except for the 3 more years we must endure. (Still, there is hope that Patrick Fitzgerald's October presentation of his investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame will have a lasting impact on the Bush junta. And there is even a chance, albeit quite slim, that the Dems will control Congress in 2006, and would decide to impeach on, oh, any number of federal crimes.)

But I couldn't agree more about Dems running as Dems, both in 2006 and 2008. Haven't we learned after two failed presidential elections (granted, both were stolen, but they were CLOSE ENOUGH TO STEAL), that the media handlers in DC are just dead wrong? Haven't we learned from Paul Hackett's stunning near victory in the special Ohio election that people LIKE a candidate who is not afraid to call Bush a "son-of-a-bitch" and a "chickenhawk" (not to mention id'ing Rush Limbaugh as a "fat ass drug addict" (and, mom, I'm sorry for the swears -- I'm just quoting))? Because Bush is a chickenhawk and a nasty, uncaring person; Rush is a drug addict with a serious weight problem that's concentrated on his lower trunk.

Hackett's running for senate in 2006, and the Ohio GOP is terrified. We need more candidates like Hackett who care about people, not pollsters.

Which brings us to Barack Obama and Barbara Boxer. Senator Obama probably won't make a run in 2008, but not because he's afraid of being "too black." More probably, because he doesn't have the "experience." I would urge him, in the strongest way possible, that he has more than enough experience. His experience far outpaces that which our current "president," for example, had when Mr. Bush was appointed by the Supreme Court. But more to the point, after the mess of the last five years, after the horrors of the last week and those still to come, after we see gas prices climb to four and five and six dollars a gallon while George W. Oilman tells us to "be prudent" (the line that really didn't help his dad), after we reach 2,000 dead and counting in Iraq, and top 10,000 dead in the Gulf Coast, after all this, do you really think that the majority of Americans (and every poll says the majority currently thinks Bush is inadequate at his job) really care what color Senator Obama's skin is?

And Barbara Boxer? Well, I'm certainly proud to call her my senator. She almost makes me feel good about living in L.A. From being the sole senator to challenge the Ohio 2004 results to confronting the duplicitous Ms. Rice about her illegal invasion of Iraq, Senator Boxer is a woman who is not afraid to fight for the truth and for the people, regardless of the cost.

So I agree with Mr. McKay (and, essentially, Howard Dean and much of the progressive/liberal blogosphere). Quit counting states and courting 10% of the electorate. Run hard EVERYWHERE, run on your strengths, admit your weaknesses, and never, ever stop caring about human beings. That last quality alone is enough to seperate you from the current criminals.

[As for Hillary...please. If you truly care about progress, don't even talk seriously about Hillary as a candidate in 2008. She continues to vote with Joe Lieberman and to the right of many registered Republicans. She is so desperate to appear strong and manly but, more to the point, she is a corporate flack, just like the W. junta. How else can she explain her support of the bancruptcy bill? Appalling. Besides, a lot of people may not be sure about the "Negro fella" but they sure as hell know they hate Hillary Rodham Clinton.]

Obama/Boxer. A good way out of hell in 2008.