
JumpyPants Liveblogging Election 2008

Posted by JumpyPants

In which I play Pancho to Bob's Cisco!

8:57 - Watching FNC is like watching a funeral in progress. Brit Hume looks like somebody stole his cold, dead heart.

9:00 - CNN says here comes RI, NY, MI, MN, NY, WI for Barack. 174 to 49 according to Wolf Blitzer's close-cropped beard.

9:04 - For the first time ever, I can actually say: I'm loving watching Fox! Major Garrett has Axelrod on, and he's wisely cautious. Going back to that earlier funeral conversation, Hume was actually wondering if "America is no longer a center-right country." Hey, Grumpy, guess what - it never was.

9:07 - Toobin on CNN says that the effect of Obama's win on the world and the world opinion of the USA is huge, perhaps unprecedented in the history of the USA. Sounds about right to me. Of course Anderson Cooper just keeps wanting to talk about "race." I wonder what the current host of The Mole thinks of race.

9:14 - Brit Hume praising his director, Marty. Wow. That is really really really lame. Joyfully so.

9:19 - Dangit. Pinchyfaced McConnell just projected to be reelected by CNN. Dangit dangit dangit.

9:22 - Gergen says Obama has no coattails? Um...NC? NH? VA? When did Gergen start using crack?9:30 - John King suggesting McCain be encouraged by southeaster Ohio River Valley going for him. Uh, my family is all from there, and you know what there's a lot of in the Ohio River Valley other than poverty, pollution and chewing tobacco? Racists.9:34 - OHIOOOOOOOOOO!!!9:39 - Blitzer's beard just asked Dana Bash about the mood in the room at the Biltmore in Phoenix. She explains that they aren't focusing on the election; they're focusing on Hank Williams, Jr.'s performance.9:47 - They're all doing the math, and finding out that McCain really can't get to 270, unless he flips a blue state AKA a part of not-real America.9:49 - Meeeeghan Kelleye is having fun introducing the Fox news vice president. Woo-hoo! Up next: meet the Fox News Channel custodial staff!9:50 - Karl Ruprecht Rove trying to figure out 1) how relevant he is and 2) how long before he actually has to answer a subpoena. Also claiming that Obama ran as a center-right candidate. Except that Brit Hume said before that we're not a center right country anymore! Hey, guys, chins up and get your stories straight. Oh, man, now Chris Wallace is passing out snacks from Karl Rove. They're cookies. With the Fox News logo on them in icing. Isn't that nice? Oh, and by the way, Obama is crushing your pinheads.