
Keep Talking Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum used the media-frenzy surrounding today's hearings on the constitutionality of the individual mandate to make a very pointed jab at Mitt Romney, and I for one am very amused by this.

Rick Santorum used the first day of the Supreme Court’s health law hearings to paint a distinction between himself and Mitt Romney on the issue of health care reform, saying the former Massachusetts governor knows he can’t fight Barack Obama on the issue.

“There is one candidate who is uniquely disqualified to make the case. The reason I’m here and he’s not,” Santorum said of Romney as he spoke to reporters outside the Supreme Court. "The reason that I talk about Obamacare and its impact on the economy and on fundamental freedoms and Mitt Romney doesn’t is because he can’t because he supported government run health care as governor of Massachusetts.”

Yes. Please, keep talking.

I encourage Santorum to keep talking because this does nothing to discourage democratic voters from voting to re-elect President Obama, however it does discourage republican voters from voting for Mitt Romney today and from voting for Mitt Romney in November.

It's poetic justice that the nominee-in-waiting of the Republican party is the grandfather of that which they hate most. That which they've spent over three years doomsaying the consequences of. Obamacare.