
Keeping Us Safe

Posted by JM Ashby

Information regarding our safety from being attacked by boogeymen terrorists has emerged that is so ironically stupid that I find it to be downright comical.

Courtesy of the FAA

The Federal Aviation Administration is missing key information on who owns one-third of the 357,000 private and commercial aircraft in the U.S. – a gap the agency fears could be exploited by terrorists and drug traffickers.

Gee, do ya think so?

About 119,000 of the aircraft on the U.S. registry have "questionable registration" because of missing forms, invalid addresses, unreported sales or other paperwork problems, according to the FAA. In many cases, the FAA cannot say who owns a plane or even whether it is still flying or has been junked.

So while the TSA is busy molesting, groping, embarrassing, strip searching, and threatening innocent people with frivolous charges, the FAA cannot account for over 357,000 privately and commercially owned aircraft. Not to be Captain Obvious, but that's a lot of damn planes. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a bigger liability to me than forgoing the search of people's underpants.