Election 2008

Liveblogging Election Day 2008 – Thread 2

5:36 : I'm back!

5:36 [Comment From DurangoSteve]
I find Maddow entertaining, but I'm not looking for affirmation from infotainers. I leave that to the HannityBots and DittoHeads.

5:38 : It's not about affirming you -- it's about restoring the word "liberal" from its former expletive status.

5:39 : 20 minutes to Indiana.

5:40 : I think I'm gonna hurl.

5:42 : On CNN it just looked like Bill Schneider and Soledad were touching a floating diagram of a blue uterus.5:42 [Comment From karmafriend]Did you read the article by John Dean on the traits of authoritarian leaders and followers? 5:43 : Yes. In fact, I quote that article in my book.http://www.amazon.com/One-Nation-Under-Fear-Fear-Mongers/dp/09814535035:45 [Comment From Clark]Moron on CNN just repeated the "no attacks" lie. It's even more infuriating now that I've read the free chapter. 5:46 : I noticed that. Bill Bennett said it in Huttese: "Nay wanna wanga!"5:46 [Comment From KC's Market & Bistro]damnit bob use my comment 5:47 : No!5:52 : Okay there are some exit polls floating around. They're meaningless! The Fedoron has some. If you can figure out that nickname, you can go look.5:54 : Gah! The MSNBC "calling it for" music was just playing. I was half expecting to look up and see that rectangular graphic swing around with the big check-mark and the head shot.5:57 [Comment From Kevin]Bob--How soon should we find out results for states that close at 7pm? 5:58 : The cable networks will probably make a projection within minutes of the polls closing. Either Obama, McCain, Too Early, or Too Close. My gut is telling me that Indiana at 6PM will be Too Close.6:01 : Polls are closed in Indiana. But MSNBC is going to wait an hour until the entire state closes.6:04 : The MSNBC interpersonal dynamic is endlessly weird and entertaining.6:07 [Comment From Courtney]If it's too close to call is that good sign for Obama? 6:09 : Indiana? Absolutely yes. The last time a Democrat won Indiana was 1964. Before that, 1932. If it's even close indicates that Senator Obama is going to be strong in one of the reddest of the red states -- which means he'll be super strong in the blue and yellow states.6:09 [Comment From Julianna]So Bob, if I give the password "Hooplehead" can I get a post? 6:10 : Okay!6:11 [Comment From Missing Russert]Whos next for MTP? Maddow or Todd? 6:12 : Todd or Stretch. Todd seems more Russert-ish than Stretch.6:15 [Comment From Zeynab]If Virginia goes for obama at 7. Is it Party time? 6:15 : Not yet. Virginia and Pennsylvania -- then party. Cautiously.6:20 : Hey -- If you haven't voted yet and you're leaning toward McCain, I give you this Palin quote from this morning: “I am also exercising my right to privacy and I don’t have to tell anyone who I voted for, nobody does, and that’s really cool about America, also.”That's really cool about America also?6:26 [Comment From LeRob]Bob, did you see the crazy new technology that CNN's got? They've got a holographic whitehouse -- worth a look... 6:28 : A hologaphic White House? WHOA!6:28 : Indiana via CNN: 56-43 Obama so far. Wolf's caveat "very, very early."6:32 : I mean seriously -- am I crazy or does that CNN Schneider graph thing look like a diagram of a female reproductive system?6:34 [Comment From Groobiecat]Hey Bob, question: Did the founding fathers envision such a vice presidential leader to, you know, flirt with the electorate, or does John McCain know something we don't know, also?6:35 : Agnew used to flex at parties.6:38 : Well so far the early returns indicate that Indiana is too close to call.6:42 : Even if we were hovering with McCain leading IN by three, it would still mean a big night for Senator Obama.6:44 : Fact: Bill Schneider is a hologram, too. He's like Al from Quantum Leap.6:47 [Comment From Courtney]Indiana should go to McCain right? 6:48 : Yes, it should. But if it doesn't or if it's too close to call -- like it is right now -- it could mean a big night for Obama.6:50 [Comment From Aimee]I loved how he used to just show up to guide Sam. 6:50 : If Schneider is Al. Soledad is inhabited by Sam Beckett.6:57 [Comment From Courtney]O.o Holy heck! I just saw the Kentucky numbers for Obama 6:58 : More importantly, Indiana... Chuck Todd reported that Gary and Indianapolis haven't even reported yet.7:00 [Comment From Jake the chatter]Check out Nate Silver's word on Obama's results in Indiana counties compared to Kerry's. Gooood news. 7:00 : Steuben: Kerry 34%, Obama 42%DeKalb: Kerry 31%, Obama 38%Knox: Kerry 36%, Obama 54%Marshall: Kerry 31%, Obama 50%7:01 : MSNBC calls Kentucky for McCain and Vermont for Obama. That's like saying Obama is thin and McCain has a comb-over.7:01 : Too close to call in.... INDIANA7:01 : Too early to call Virginia and SC.7:02 : These are MSNBC projections.7:04 : The longer Indiana is TCTC, the better the night will look.7:09 : Look at Nate's Indiana contrast numbers above. The white Democrat underperformed the "exotic" black Democrat. I would love for the whole "white working class" narrative to be destroyed tonight. Love. I love.7:14 [Comment From tina]Hi Bob, btw, how do you pronounce your last name?7:15 : SESS-kuh.7:15 : Hi Tina!7:15 [Comment From Courtney]Oy Virginia doesn't look good7:16 : Don't even think about these early returns. It'll drive you nuts. Just listen for the patriotic MSNBC "projection" jingle.7:17 [Comment From Pete]How do you pronounce your first name? 7:17 : Fred.7:17 [Comment From RicheyRich]these early returns mean nothing. aaarrgh! i cant wait for it to be over. 7:17 [Comment From Michael]How do you feel about Florida, Bob?7:19 : Earlier, I mentioned that it might be a McCain state, with Ohio going to Obama.7:19 : But who knows anymore, right?7:20 [Comment From Courtney]Right Bob, I see that Obama even thou it's called did well in Kentucky so... who knows what can happen now7:21 : Right. If the popular vote is tight in the deep red states, that means a there's a potential for a big national popular vote win for Obama.7:22 [Comment From frommn]I can't take this, McCain leads in virginia. Omg, obama is going to lose. Arrrrgh. 7:23 : You must chill! You must chill!7:24 : Markos is calling Virgnia for Obama: "Warner and Obama win Virginia. Not even close."7:26 : Olbermann and Murphy are using Indiana numbers from Nate. The MSNBC map is showing a lot of blue counties there.7:27 : Ohio in four minutes. I remember Ohio four years ago -- stuck with CNN until around 3AM before I skulked off to bed.7:27 [Comment From Casey]When should we no longer chill...what does that scenario look like?7:28 : If they call Virginia for McCain, then we should worry. If they call Pennsylvania for McCain, then we should lose our shpadoinkle.7:28 [Comment From Nathan]Bob, do you feel like you are running a triage unit right now? 7:28 : Call me Hawkeye.7:30 : Stand by... Going on with WJFK.7:30 : Too early in Ohio.7:34 : On hold and listening to CBS. They called West Virginia for McCain. Shock!7:43 : Back from WJFK.7:44 : Don't freak out, but Markos corrected himself on Virginia: "And I suck. Obama is too close to call." GRR!7:45 [Comment From ragemage]Bob riddle me this. How can they "call" a state for someone with only 15% reporting (such as KY). This drives me insane.7:45 : It's a combination of returns and exit polling.7:46 [Comment From DANNY]WE NEED SOME GOOD NEWS BOB7:46 : Indiana is still too close to call. That's good news.7:46 : South Carolina called for McCain.7:49 : Here's some good news. North Carolina is 65-35 with, gulp, 0% in.7:49 : That's 65-35 Obama.7:53 : Seven minutes to Pennsylvania.7:55 : Ken Blackwell is on MSNBC. Great get, MSNBC! One of the faces of voter fraud. Very serious!7:55 [Comment From jane]Bob, a bigger heads-up on your media appearances tonight please?7:56 : I had no idea when JFK was going to call me. And I have no idea when they're calling back. Did I sound okay?7:57 : However, I know that BBC will be sometime between 11PM and midnight. I'll be on with a conservative -- for balance.7:58 [Comment From rpv]Snap out of it Bob.7:58 : Okay!8:00 : Obama wins Pennsylvania!8:00 : MSNBC calls it for Obama!8:01 : Massachusetts, Illinois, Maryland, Connecticut, New Hampshire for ObamaOklahoma and Tennes
see for McCain8:01 : Maine for Obama8:02 : Delaware and DC for Obama8:03 : So Obama has Kerry states so far.8:03 : Florida and Missouri too close to call.8:04 : Too early on Alabama.8:05 : Rachel has it right -- Obama needs a red state to go blue.8:05 : Obama gets New Jersey.8:07 : But look... A huge door for McCain has just slammed shut. Pennsylvania. He set up camp here for the last two weeks, with those Rev. Wright ads and the "I was an abortion" ad running around the clock. This is a major victory -- the McCain fear-mongering has failed!8:09 : Also, another word of caution for the sake of level-headedness... These network projections are just that -- projections.8:12 : Chicago is going crazy on CNN. It sounds like the Hindenberg film.8:18 : I'm thinking that Ohio might be the next to go for Senator Obama.8:18 [Comment From Groobiecat]We need Florida! (in the form of a question) Bob, do we need Florida? 8:18 : We need Florida for morale, not necessarily for the win.8:20 [Comment From FJL]In Indiana the counties around Gray and Indianapolis are not reporting yet. That might bode well for Obama 8:20 [Comment From FJL]Bob did u get my last post or is this all for nothing 8:20 : Yes and yes. But unfortunately, I can't post everything. Multitasked!8:21 : I'm hearing Dole is done. Doooooole!8:21 [Comment From Ltmon]Bob, what's your reading of current VA status?8:22 : Two years ago, Virginia drove me nuts with the Webb-Allen race. It was insanely close late into the night -- one of the reasons why I didn't like Webb for Obama's VP. His victory was too narrow, and we need him in the Senate.8:23 : I love Axelrod, but he looks like a cast member from the old Barney Miller show.8:23 [Comment From PepperzMom]Bob...I'm proud of you. You never hit the "George Carlin" button! 8:24 : What is the George Carlin button?8:25 : Oh crap. There are serious-looking people in a room staring at absentee ballots inFlorida. Palm Beach County. Fun!8:26 : Going on WJFK again. www.wjfk.com8:33 : CBS called Pennsylvania for Obama!8:36 : Virginia is too close to call.8:36 : Georgia goes for McCain.8:42 : Sorry for dropping off. Just looking at Indiana. Still crazy close there.8:42 [Comment From PizzaGuy1]How do you think we're doing so far, Bob?8:43 : Very, very good. A projection for Obama in Virginia or Ohio would make me feel great.8:43 [Comment From Beth]Bob-What's a shpadoinkle? Do I, as a woman, have one?8:44 : It's a catch-all word that Trey Parker made up. Watch the following video:8:44 [Video file] YouTube: ktvjbv7wq34 Play8:46 : I'm using it in the context of "losing your shit."8:50 [Comment From Laura]Just want to take this opportunity, Bob, to tell you how much I enjoy reading your opinions. Thanks for taking the time to express them. 8:50 : Thank you, Laura. That means a lot.8:51 [Comment From Josh]Bob, what's going on with the popular vote?8:52 : Remember, this is like a baseball game with the innings and runs happening out of order -- like we're skipping around to random events on a DVD. Some big areas report late, other big areas report early. There's no way to follow this in a purely linear way.8:53 [Comment From Dave]Bob- I work as receiving manager at a Barnes & Noble. Still awaiting your book, but when it arrives I'll get it some good shelf space. 8:54 : Thanks so much! It's been delayed for reasons beyond my control. In fact, I turned in the manuscript on April 15. Arg.8:54 [Comment From Turkman]Bob, you seem to be posting a disproportionate number of praise-friendly comments. Any needy reason for that?8:54 : Because I hate you.8:55 : (joking)8:56 : Shaheen beats Sununu. Haven't heard anything on Franken. Looking.9:00 : 9PM - lots of polls closing9:00 : McCain wins Kansas. Obama wins New York.9:01 : Obama wins Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Michigan and Minnesota.9:01 : McCain gets North Dakota and Wyoming.9:02 : Arizona too close to call. HEH?! How about it?! HEH?!9:04 : A lot of red states too close to call.9:08 [Comment From TommyE]Is race a factor in any of these these results?9:09 : Well, according to CNN's exit polling out of Mississippi: "Obama won women, black and white, by 54 to 46 percent." (via Sullivan)9:10 : Also via Sullivan regarding Indiana: "The exit polls show they went for Obama over McCain by 58 to 39 percent. If the exit polls are right, Obama's going to win Indiana."9:10 : Ambinder is reporting that the McCain people are saying "they need a miracle."9:11 : Go back to 9:09... Mississippi!9:12 [Comment From okay jack]virginia is scaring me.should i be scared?chuck todds virginia map looks very very red. 9:13 : Don't forget that red areas are often rural areas, which means a lower population and fewer voters.9:15 [Comment From Casey]Hey, Bob. When do they include the early voting numbers? 9:16 : They're factoring that in. Also, when you see a projection with 0%, the early vote is tossed into the predictive math.9:20 : FOX News calls Ohio for Obama!9:20 : OHIO!9:21 : 2004 is avenged!9:22 [Comment From Harry_Scote]Bob, how do you explain the red, even now, after 8 horrendous, long years, even so? 9:22 : Neo-McCarthyism, Neo-Southern Strategy. Abortion, fear, Hussein.9:22 : MSNBC calls Ohio for OBAMA!9:23 : This is HUGE!9:23 : But why can't he close the deal with white working class-- never mind. Bwa-hahaha.9:25 : How about Ohio tonight!? HEH?! How about it? HEH?!9:25 : He closed the deal! HEH?!9:26 : This is me:9:26 [Video file] YouTube: rm81LSKJC2k Play9:28 [Comment From Sabrina]It does kind of look like you.9:28 : Big cigar. Hawaiian shirt.9:30 : Yeah, Florida is also looking very strong for Obama, too.9:31 : Obama wins New Mexico!9:31 : Gore state -- not a Kerry state.9:31 : Thank you Governor Richardson!9:34 : Be right backAgain, the 'Cover It Live' caveat: If you want to see your comments or chat with the community, use the normal commenting section.