10:35AM: Just listening to the audio feed of CNN on satellite while driving home this morning, I was repeatedly overwhelmed with emotion. The end of the dark ride. The ups and downs and chaos of the election. Most of all, the fact that on this day America is once again a positive example to the world.
10:36AM: Wow:
“In one of his first acts as president, Barack Obama is planning to lift a rule” that bars federal money from going to international family planning groups that counsel women on abortion or perform the procedure.
10:42AM: Senator Kennedy looks like Don Corleone -- that hat.10:45AM: I snapped this shot of the Capitol and the inaugural dais last night. Chills!10:49AM: George W. Bush has left the White House for the last time as president.10:52AM: The motorcade is moving towards the Capitol. I feel like I'm watching Armstrong on the Moon. Washington crossing the Delaware.11AM: The president-elect has arrived at the Capitol. One hour to go!11:08AM: They're showing the entrance of dignitaries onto the dais. Those narrow steps leading out of the Capitol onto the dais are accessible to the public on normal days. If you do one thing in Washington in your lifetime, go to the Capitol and walk down those steps and outside through the West Portico. It's a remarkably simple, yet profound experience.11:16AM: Here's a photograph I took just over a year ago at the foot of those steps:
11:21AM: Elvis commented: "What the fuck was wrong with Bill Clinton?" I think that's the look of a man who is about to be entirely overshadowed by history.11:31AM: Yeah, you know, I don't care who's right and who's wrong, but I wish Olbermann and Matthews would stop passive-aggressively sniping at each other -- at least for today.11:37AM: Sasha, Malia and Mrs. Michelle Obama. Direct descendants of slaves. The history is overwheliming.11:38AM: In the discussions about the unusual nature of the name "Barack Obama," has anyone mentioned that our House Majority Leader is named "Steny Hoyer"? Have you in your entire life ever known anyone else named "Steny"?11:39AM: Here's Joe Biden. Let's do this!11:44AM: The president-elect is on the dais! The bear-hug with Congressman John Lewis was amazing. Just amazing. I'm going to watch/absorb for a while. Talk amongst yourselves.Noon: And we have a new vice president.New thread...