Republican Party

Malkin Isn't the Only Stalker On The Right

Rachel Marsden is... RIGHT BEHIND YOU.

John Amato:

You may remember the piece I wrote about this stalker Babe: “Cafferty debates with a Man-Stalker named Rachel Mardsen: “waterboarding is a swim lesson” The ex-FOXer who was escorted off their premises is at it again, or so it would seem. And it looks like Sarkozy might be her next target:

A right-wing former Fox TV pundit is being investigated for criminal harassment after accusing an ex-boyfriend of leaking Canadian anti-terrorism secrets. I don’t know why he (gave me the documents),” she said yesterday in an email response to an interview request, “other than perhaps he was too cheap to buy me jewelry and figured state secrets would be a good substitute.” She denied harassing the officer.

More at C&L.