John McCain


I watched McCain's town hall in New Hampshire and it struck me how much of a socialist McCain is. You know, talking at length in support of that socialized federal entitlement program called "Social" Security. It's that program mandating that you and I pay into the system and then the government "distributes" that wealth to the people who need it.

Tell all of your wingnut friends! McCain is a socialist! YIKES!

Seriously, I've been hearing a lot of reports via e-mail about people hearing the "Obama is a socialist" accusation from Republican friends. Here's a mind screw you can use: 1) Ask them if they know what socialism is. They might not even know. If they do, then move to... 2) Ask them how their definition is any different from the progressive taxation system, the Social Security system or the Medicare system in America.


Here's my previous "spreading the wealth" rant. It's also useful for winning a debate at work tomorrow.