John McCain

McSick, McOld, McHiding

Posted by JumpyPants

The health of John McCain is a question of tremendous importance, as I was saying below, Dailykos has a diary up with a poll about it, and now a group 30 physicians are calling on McCain to release his 1,173 page medical records. Over 3,500 people have already signed their letter. Join them.

Will McCain release the records?

Will we find out how McCain was treated for his Stage 2 melanoma, and how far it spread?

Will McCain let us know how much Ambien he takes? What about anti-depressants? Has he been treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

I have a friend who did two tours as a medic in Vietnam. He regularly has nightmares that wake his wife with his screaming. And my friend wasn't a POW.

If McCain has nothing to hide, he'll release the 1,173 pages for everyone to read.

But you and I know that won't happen. Not without pressure.

Click here, sign the letter on the page, DIGG the link, and forward it to friends.