
Michael Steele Wants to Privatize Medicare

The "official" head of the Republican Party wants private markets to take over Medicare:

I mean the reality of it is that, you know, this single payer program known as Medicare is a very good example of what we should not have happen with all of our health care. The reality of it is, how may times have we been at the trough of bankruptcy and no money for the Medicare program when Congress is running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out how to fix a program that they’ve already mismanaged.

So, now you want to do that Congressman on a larger scale? You want to include all of us? You’re talking, taking our senior population and now expanding it to the broader population? Government cannot run a health care system. They’ve already shown that. Trust the private markets to do it the right way. If there are reforms to be put in place, let’s deal specifically with those reforms.

I wonder how senior citizens -- especially the town hall oldsters -- would feel about UnitedHealth and Cigna taking over their Medicare. The "private market" that freely admits to Congress that they make profits from denying healthcare to sick people.

By the way, Medicare isn't bankrupt yet. This is another Republican lie/trick. But in order to keep it from going bankrupt, we need to pass healthcare reform. Which the Republicans are against. Disaster capitalism in action: Bankrupt it, then privatize it. And they've managed to use fear and lies to trick old people into supporting this nefarious goal.