Senator Barack Obama

More Crowds In New Hampshire

Photos by blogger Sam Graham-Felsen:

MANCHESTER, NH- Another day, another immense crowd -- and another long line wrapping around the block. The grassroots enthusiasm in New Hampshire certainly hasn't dissipated; as far as I can tell, in the wake of Barack's commanding debate win last night, it's just starting to take off.


DERRY, NH - I just got into Derry and had difficulty finding a parking spot. I parked pretty far away and as I walked in the direction of the event, I didn't see many people around, so I assumed this was going to be a much smaller event. Boy was I mistaken. After I walked over the hilly area that was blocking the view, I saw this:


Sam interviews some formerly undecided Manchester ladies. You'll get a kick out of this:

"I heard him speaking and for seven years now, everytime I've heard our president speak, I've turned the radio down -- turned the TV off. I want to be able to turn the volume up now."

Right on.