
Not Racist — On Camera, That Is

Via reader Andrew, this report from California reveals the two-faced, Eddie Haskell nature of tea party people. When the cameras are rolling, they deny the racial component to their protests and support of the Arizona law.

"Oh absolutely, that's what they want to label us, a racist. Oh, I'm a racist because I have an opinion contrary to theirs on the immigration issue," said Mike Jones from the Golden Gate Minutemen.

But when the cameras stop rolling and their an accident happens on the freeway below involving someone who appears to be Latino, the real tea party bubbles to the surface. When the police arrive at the scene of the accident...

"He's looking for his papers," said a man.

Another woman lodged this complaint, "We were right behind 60 Mexicans so they could go first. Really, they needed a translator so we all had to wait. And second of all, I couldn't find one that had a driver's license or insurance or a baby seat."

Granted, this is anecdotal. But it's certainly not an outlier, given what we've been observing for way too long.

(With apologies to Eddie Haskell.)