Sarah Palin

Note to Chris Matthews About Sarah Palin

Tonight on Hardball, Chris Matthews was trying to tell us that Sarah Palin has "a certain I don't know what" (paraphrased) and that she is therefore worthy of our attention.

The reason why most people watch Sarah Palin when she's on the cable is because she says ridiculous things in very ridiculous ways also. It has little to do with her politics or whatever butchered, hamfisted things she has to say about policy or ideology.

Britney Spears, Ann Coulter, Kevin Federline and waterskiing squirrels inexplicably generate television viewers, but it's not because they know anything. It's because they're spectacles. Sideshow geeks. Sarah Palin is a sideshow geek. She's a political Federline for the junky set. This isn't a quality to be praised or admired, Mr. Matthews. The only redeeming social value they provide are brief doses of "lookit how silly!" entertainment and, hence, Nielsen ratings for Chris Matthews.

Beyond that, trying to pawn off Sarah Palin as someone worthy of national leadership is, to quote Jon Stewart, hurting America.

Don't get me wrong, though. I hope she runs in 2012. Just don't try to tell me that she's worthy of winning.

Adding... The position flexible.