The Supreme Court might roll back LGBTQ rights, no one trusts Trump, and Trump is in his feelings.
Latest Articles
New Small Business Money is Already Gone
The $310 billion in additional funding was gone before it passed Congress.
The “Primary Outcome” of Trump’s Miracle Drug is Death
A clinical trial of chloroquine was shut down because it kills you.
Trump’s Belligerence May Slow Vaccine Development
The Trump regime won't participate in a WHO program for speeding up a vaccine.
Georgia Governor Thrown Under Exceptionally Large Bus
Trump's treachery was even worse than previously reported.
The Task Force
A study finds much wider infection, unemployment grows 4.4 million, and Gates says no vaccine until...
The Bob Cesca Show Presented By 4/23/20
Lightly Salted Weasel D*cks -- [Explicit Language] TRex David Ferguson and Jody Hamilton are here;...
Top Recipient of “Small Business” Funds is Large, Trump-Connected Investment Firm
The swamp has been drained directly into one large firm's coffers.
Everyone is Humiliated
Everyone who works with Trump is eventually humiliated: Brian Kemp edition
The Bob Cesca Show Interview: Rachel Bitecofer 4/22/20
Rachel Bitecofer -- [Explicit Content] Rachel Bitecofer is one of my favorite political scientists...