Cocaine With Don Junior -- NSFW! TRex David Ferguson is here today; Bob's trip to Colorado;...
Latest Articles
More Farmers Supported Trump Before “Phase One”
More farmers support Trump, but it probably won't last.
China Hasn’t Issued Waivers to Buy Goods Under “Phase One”
China's large purchases depend on waivers they haven't issued yet.
Government Watchdog Says Trump Broke The Law
The GAO says Trump broke federal law by withholding aide to Ukraine.
Great Again
Wisconsin's voter purge is blocked, European powers accuse Iran, and Boeing said no training needed...
$7 Trillion Asset Manager Shifting to Climate Change
Asset managers say climate change is too big of a risk not to factor it.
Boeing is Getting Crushed By Airbus
And Trump's trade war with Europe won't help Boeing.
Deficit Jumps Almost $40 Billion Year Over Year
The deficit jumped almost 12 percent by the end of December 2019.
Red Tape
Booker drops out, Collins could get five years, and Trump concedes to China on 'currency...
Trump May Expand His Muslim Ban
And we'll have one less moral leg to stand on internationally.