And overall greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 2.1 percent.
Latest Articles
New Year
Bolton says he'll testify, another major milk company goes bust, and Moody's warns of risks to...
Factory Activity Falls to a Decade Low
Manufacturing activity fell more than expected in December.
Federal Reserve: Trump’s Trade War a Total Disaster
A new Federal Reserve study says tariffs have backfired spectacularly.
The Iran Nuclear Deal is Truly Dead
Trump has finally dealt the deathblow to President Obama's peace deal.
The Bob Cesca Show Presented By 1/2/20
The Human Academy -- NSFW! Our first show of 2020; Jody Hamilton and TRex David Ferguson are here;...
Winter Fundraiser, Day Five
I need your help.
Merry Christmas
A state rep. planned domestic terrorism, American troll farms have arrived, and Trump and Xi play...
China, Russia Call for Ending North Korea Sanctions
At face value, they're not necessarily wrong and Trump made it happen.
Johnson Plans Points-Based System For Foreign Labor After Brexit
Johnson wants to apply a kilometer of red tape where none currently exists.