Louis Armstrong - "What A Wonderful World" (I thought we could all use something extraordinarily...
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Indulge me for a moment. I have a confession to make. I have a new role model of sorts, and it's...
At Long Last
A smart and thoughtful leader is running the executive branch of the United States government. And...
Quote of the Day
"When it comes to how we approach the issue of fiscal responsibility, again, it's a little hard for...
Yeah, Okay
Not surprisingly, Michelle Malkin wondered if the president will be "snippy" in his "fear-mongering...
36 Republicans
Every Republican except Snowe, Collins and Specter voted to filibuster the recovery bill -- and...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever is balling your...
Very Serious Republicans
Not only are they taking their cues from Rush Limbaugh, but Minority Leader Boehner and Senator...
Beer With Hannity
President Obama asked if he'd have a beer with Sean Hannity. Share this:Click to share on Twitter...
The Centrists Cut $40 Billion To The States
$40 billion. Knowing that the Nelson-Collins cabal trimmed this much in "silly" aid to the states...