The Republicans lost the House vote and looked like bitter, childish scam artists in the process...
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Morning Awesome
Trailer for A Road Not Taken: The true story of the old White House solar panels. Share this:Click...
In my Huffington Post column, I mentioned the Drudge headline blasting the STD prevention section...
Worst Person
Dick Armey is a dick. I mean, we always kind of knew this, but the way he treated Joan Walsh on...
Your Liberal Media
Think Progress: Notice that MSNBC had fewer Democratic guests (as a percentage of total guests)...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery or whatever's salting your...
by Lee Stranahan Stimulus plan passes House. Not a single Republican vote for it. Rugged...
New Huffington Post Column
Obama Versus The Republicans: Chill Out, He's Got This Enjoy and please Digg. Share this:Click to...
It's Not Bipartisanship
by Lee Stranahan The press and Obama's critics left and right keep throwing about the word...
Afternoon Awesome
Cannibal: The Musical - "Let's Build A Snowman!" NOT SAFE FOR WORK Share this:Click to share on...