The family planning section of the recovery bill is being yanked out. But... Press Secretary Robert...
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Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the constant variety of cable news hackery and whatever else is stimulating...
‘I Got This’
Admittedly, for the last two days, I've been reading articles like this one and finding myself...
Doof Quote of the Day
"Now that the CBO has analyzed an Obama initiative and has not come out completely favorable, it’s...
Screw You, Mr. Boehner
Politico is reporting: President Barack Obama is coming to the Capitol this afternoon to curry...
For What It’s Worth
It's been roughly four weeks, and still no new edition of the very serious Halperin's Take. Share...
Administration Smacks Citigroup
The Obama Treasury Department is taking action against Citigroup and their ridiculous airplane: The...
Oh Look! An Actual CBO Report!
And guess what? It shows that the Obama recovery package "would have a noticeable impact on...
WMD All Over Again
No excuse. None. ThinkProgress has found that since the AP’s report last Tuesday, the CBO report...
No, no, no. WASHINGTON -House Democrats are likely to jettison family planning funds for the low...