Matt Taibbi has turned ripping on Thomas Friedman into an art form. And this passage from his...
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Heckuva Job
More from Yglesias. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...
Doof Quote of the Day
"[Bush] inherited the 9/11 attacks." —Wendell Goler, FOX News Channel Share this:Click to share on...
Morning Awesome
MST3K Saturday! "Speech" Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share...
White House Open to the Public
The president-elect is opening the White House to the public on Wednesday. Of course you have to...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for mocking the cable news hackery. And open season on all trolls! Tonight! I tinkered...
Your Tax Dollars At Work
Unless you're eating, check out this "Keeping America Safe" video at the White House website. While...
Schweikart, Lincoln and Obama
A reader sent me an e-mail exchange he had with Larry Schweikart, the University of Dayton history...
Inaugural Weirdness
Ted Widmer in the American Scholar observes some inaugural weirdness: Why did John Adams, sailing...
Everyone Gets A Prize
Steve Benen reminds us: Presidents don't have to give televised farewell addresses at the end of...